Ready for change?

Transform your physique and upgrade your wellbeing!

Our method is simple;
Lose the unnecessary fat
Build some necessary muscle
Get stronger than you thought possible
Transform your appearance and feel incredible

Do this without:
Spending hours and hours in the gym
Giving up your favourite foods
Rebound weight gain
Wasting time


Why Joe?

Certified personal trainer, nutritionist & remedial massage therapist.

Over 10 years industry experience, face to face and online coaching.

Tailored programming and nutrition coaching to suit a wide variety of experience, needs and special requests. I.e. Working around injuries etc.

Evidence-based and health-first approach to make sure that you feel as amazing as you look!


Personal Training.

Work with one the best personal trainers in Perth

Individualised programming for long-term success

Perfect your lifting technique to stay safe in the gym

Specialising in injury prevention & strength training

Nutrition coaching and training programmes included with your weekly session price


Online Coaching.

Full Online Coaching or Online Nutrition Coaching

Individualised programming to suit your needs & goals

Nutrition coaching for weight loss & muscle growth

Weekly check-ins to review progress + 7 day support to answer questions

Technique videos for every exercise

Educational content library with exclusive coaching app access


Your trainer.

Joe Davis is an MNU certified nutritionist, a certified personal trainer and is also a certified remedial massage therapist.

He has been working in the health & fitness industry for the past 10 years and has helped hundreds of people, both online and one-to-one, to achieve many of their health, fitness and strength goals. 

Joe takes an evidence-based approach to personal training and nutrition coaching and believes that providing the right education to the individual is the key to them having long-term success with any programme.

Now you can train with Joe from anywhere in the world via the Propa Fitness Academy.

If you live in Western Australia and want to know more about personal training in Perth, you can enquire about Joe’s 1:1 PT sessions & workshops.


Let’s connect.

Join me on Instagram for some real-talk about health and fitness @propa.joedavis

Here are some of our recent success stories


Get in touch.

I am here to help with any enquiries you may have, so go ahead and fill in the form and I’ll be in touch ASAP.

For pricing information, click here.




Do I have to sign up to access the app?

Yes. The Propa Fitness Academy app is exclusive to all personal training clients and online coaching clients.

Is app access included for PT clients?

When you commit to a weekly personal training session, access to the app is included with the cost of your sessions.

If you are away or can’t attend your weekly PT time slot for a particular week, then you will be charged as an online client for that week.

What is included in the app?

Within the app, you will log the reps and sets for each exercise.

You will find demonstration videos for each exercise and you will be able to log your progress for the nutrition tracking data that will be review during your weekly check-in.

You can message Joe from within the app if you have any questions and send technique videos if you would like him to review your lifting technique during your weekly check-in.

There is also an ever-evolving content library within the app containing a huge variety of videos and PDF’s; technique videos, recipe guides, goals workbooks, recommended reading lists and more.

The content library has been curated by Joe and is always being updated with new information. It is there to help educate you on all of the things that you need to know with regards to nutrition, training, recovery and mindset.

How long do I have to sign up for?

For full online coaching, there is a 2 month minimum commitment.

For online nutrition coaching, there is an 8-week minimum commitment.

For personal training packages there is an 8-week minimum commitment.

How does the nutrition side of things work?

How does the nutrition side of things work?

You will be provided with a calorie target and some macro targets to help you reach your goals.

Recipe guides are provided for inspiration, but you are generally not provided with a set meal plan as the goal is educate you on how to take control of your own nutrition - rather than following a set meal plan provided by someone else.

Do your app work with My Fitness Pal?

My Fitness Pal can be synced with your Propa Fitness Academy app so the calories and macros that you track in your app will auto-populate into the Propa app so that Joe can review your diet.

Will you write me a set meal plan?

Joe believes that you will have much better adherence to the plan if you are in control of choosing the types of foods that you eat within our guidelines.

However, some people really struggle with this amount of freedom of choice and prefer to have a set plan, so we have provided some examples of different meal plans to suit different calorie targets that you can use for inspiration when creating your own meal plan.

We also provide you with a comprehensive high protein recipe guide as well as regular updates to the coaching library of new recipe ideas and ways to eat nutritious meals and the occasional treat whilst adhering to your calorie target.

Do you cater for vegetarians and vegans?

Do you cater for veggie / vegans?

We do provide vegetarian and vegan recipe guides that you can use for inspiration when creating your meal plan. These recipe guides come complete with barcodes for My Fitness Pal, so tracking your meals is quick and easy.

Because we will provide you with a calorie target and a protein target, instead of set meal plans, it means that you are in full control of your food sources and not stuck with a rigid meal plan that doesn’t cater to your individual preferences.

Where is your Calorie Calculator?

You can find the Propa Calorie Calculator in the ‘useful links’ section at the bottom of our website or by clicking here.


What training plans do you provide?

Our training programmes mostly revolve around strength training and incorporate a mix of barbell, dumbbell and machine work.

The squat, deadlift and bench press are often used for your strength tests as a way of objectively measuring your strength progress.

However, if you are unable to squat, bench press or deadlift, we will happily and easily substitute those exercises for you.

Because your programme is customised to your ability and requirements, we can change things up to suit you, your abilities and the equipment you have available to you.

Do you provide HIIT or cardio sessions?

The focus of our training programmes is strength training for muscle growth and strength improvements.

However, if you do request a Kettlebell HIIT workout for one or two days of the week because you enjoy them, then Joe will put that together for you with no problem!

Joe will provide you with a daily step target for cardiovascular health and may incorporate some cardio at the end of your strength sessions if he deems it appropriate for you, but cardio-heavy and high-variety HIIT training is not our focus.

I'm a complete beginner, should I sign up for online coaching?

If you are willing to take the time to learn the movement patterns correctly, you can definitely undertake online coaching as a beginner.

Joe’s recommendation, if you are in Perth, is to do 4 - 8 personal training sessions with him first so that he can teach you the correct technique for each lift prior to you commencing online training and training by yourself.

This is to help speed up your learning process and give you more confidence to follow the programme and train by yourself.

If you are not based in Perth, you could sign up for online training and take your programme to a personal trainer in your local area. Ask them to show you how to do all of the exercises properly before continuing with the programme by yourself.

How often will my training programme be updated?

Depending on the type of plan you have, this will happen every 4 – 8 weeks. Contrary to popular belief, too much variety in a programme can be detrimental to your progress.

It is good to stick with certain lifts on repeat for a number of consecutive weeks / months so that you can master them and get really strong.

I do crossfit / f45 / running / cycling / other sports, will your programmes help me?

Strength is the foundation on which all of your sporting abilities are built.

We believe that almost every athelte can benefit from having at least a 2-day structured strength programme to follow, as a bare minimum.

Joe has helped many different athlete to improve over the years, ranging from cyclists, tri-athletes, ironman athletes, surfers, long distance runners, mid-distance runners, powerlifters and people that need to pass fitness and strength tests for the army, police and / or fire service.

If you have your training programming sorted (f45, FitStop etc) then you can most certainly benefit from signing up for nutrition coaching to help enhance the results you get from your training.

Can I really lose 6 - 12kg in 12 weeks?

We collected data on a large number of our successful weight loss clients (men & women combined) and the average weight lost in the first 12 weeks was 9.1kg. The results ranged from 6.1kg to 12.5kg.

Your individual results will vary due to a number of things; diet history, level of compliance and adherence to the plan, initial body fat levels, exercise frequency and intensity, muscle mass levels etc.

On average our target for most weight loss clients is to aim for an average weekly loss of about 1% of your bodyweight.

But we also place a lot of focus on measurement changes and progress photos as well, because the scale isn’t everything!

Will you post my before & after photos to social media?

When you sign the declaration in the initial assessment form, you will see a part that says "Any before and after photos used publicily must have my written permission".

We will always ask you directly if you are happy for us to use your photos and any photos used publicily have provided written consent to do so.

Plenty of clients have requested that we either a) do not share photos or b) can share them but keep the invididual anonymous - and we fully respect your decision with whatever you decide.